RIST Forges Reliable, Secure Internet Connection
Via TV Technology
Standards group capitalizes on ever-increasing bandwidth of the internet.
By Bob Kovacs
There is an old saying that goes, “‘Tis impossible to be sure of anything but death and taxes.” I’d like to propose an extension of that quote to include “faster internet speeds,” whether they be wired or wireless.
In the past 20 years at my home, I have literally gone from dial-up speeds that were limited to 28 kbps, to the availability of gigabit Ethernet. Yet for some, pure connection speed is not enough without improved reliability.
Greater reliability and improved security are the goals of the Reliable Internet Stream Transport (RIST) Forum, which has members that include many of the television industry’s best-known companies. Experts at these companies will tell you that the ability to watch streaming 4K content at home is no guarantee that the internet is reliable enough for broadcast origination or contribution.
“For lack of a better word, internet service is ‘bursty’ at best,” said Jacob Kinsey, chief development officer for Cobalt Digital and RIST Forum co-chair. “Internet speed ebbs and flows—sort of like the tides, except internet speed is unpredictable. Because bandwidth access goes up and down with the number of users and the content being accessed, it becomes very important to have a retransmission methodology for video content.”
You can read the full article on the TV Technology site -https://www.tvtechnology.com/news/rist-forges-reliable-secure-internet-connection