Have your product listed
In order to have your product(s) added to the list of RIST products you need to do the following:
Become an associate or full member of the RIST Forum
Test the interoperability of your implementation with one of the following reference implementations
Open Source Gstreamer Plugin
Net Insight
Cobalt Digital
Send the following information to RIST Forum co-chairs Arielle Slama or Suzana Brady
Your company name
For each product
This is what’s visible and searchable in the product list together with the company name
This is shown in the product list with aspect ratio 16:9
Web link
Clicking the product name or picture in the product list takes the visitor to this link
How to test interoperability
In order to test interoperability please reach out to one of the following:
Gstreamer Plugin / Net Insight
Alexander Sandstrom - alexander.sandstrom@netinsight.net
Adi Rozenberg - adi.rozenberg@video-flow.com