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RIST is all about the combination of interoperability and innovation that provides an open, interoperable, and technically robust solution for low-latency live video over unmanaged networks. RIST is developed jointly by a large group of experts, pouring hundreds of years of real-world experience into the specifications as well as on top of existing RFC standards.

Join us to see how hundreds of years of experience created the protocol of choice for video delivery over the Internet. Learn about RIST advances as well as about the promising roadmap of RIST. 

At IBC 2019 the RIST Forum will host a full afternoon of free presentations and a panel, free lunch as well as a complimentary cocktail hour featuring talks and panelists from Amazon Web Services (AWS), Cobalt Digital, DVEO, Net Insight, Open Broadcast Systems, VideoFlow, and Zixi.


IBC Show 2019 in Amsterdam on Monday September 16, from 11AM to 6.15PM.


RAI Amsterdam in room G106 in the G-Corridor, upstairs just outside hall 2.


11am-1pm: Lunch and Learn - sponsored by AWS and VideoFlow
1pm-4pm: 6x30min speaker slots with Q&A
1.00-1.30pm: Cobalt – RIST Main Profile Overview
1.30-2.00pm: DVEO - Encryption with PSK (Pre-shared Keys)
2.00-2.30pm: Video Flow - Adaptivity (future RIST capability)
2.30-3.00pm: Net Insight - RIST for high-end live media workflows
3.00-3.30pm: Open Broadcast Systems - RIST for delivering content to tens of millions
3.30-4.00pm: AWS - How RIST and the cloud are transforming content distribution
4pm-5pm: Panel discussion featuring AWS, Cobalt Digital, DVEO, Net Insight, VideoFlow and Zixi
5:15pm-6:15pm: Cocktail hour - sponsored by Open Broadcast Systems and Zixi

See abstracts, speakers and further details below.


Lunch and Learn (11am-1pm)

Join us for a free hour lunch and learn session where you eat food while you get a chance to meet RIST experts from all the companies presenting at the IBC 2019 RIST Day as well as other members of the RIST Forum.

The lunch and learn starts at 11.00am and is sponsored by AWS and VideoFlow.


Speaker slots (1pm-4pm)

1.00-1.30pm: Cobalt – RIST Main Profile Overview

VSF TR-06-1, RIST Simple Profile, was published in October 2018 after a very successful demo at IBC. It provides low-latency communication over the Internet, with advanced methods for packet recovery. Now, the work on the follow-up specification, VSF TR-06-2, RIST Main Profile, is nearing completion. RIST Main Profile adds the following features to RIST Simple Profile:

  • Authentication and Encryption: ensures that the endpoints are who they say they are, and protects the stream in transit.

  • Tunneling and Multiplexing: allows multiple streams to share a single RIST connection.

  • Support for in-band traffic and/or control: allows generic traffic to be mixed with RIST streams

  • Bandwidth Optimization through NULL packet deletion and re-insertion

  • Support for high bit rate/high latency links

This presentation will cover the main features of the upcoming RIST Main Profile and the technologies behind it.

Presenter: Ciro Noronha, Director of Technology Compression Systems, Cobalt Digital

1.30-2.00pm: DVEO - Encryption with PSK (Pre-shared Keys)

The main profile provides two methods of protection for your RIST streams: DTLS (UDP version of TLS, the authentication and encryption method used on the web) and Pre-Shared Key (PSK). The typical DTLS use case is for scenarios requiring authentication and encryption in a one-transmitter-to-one-receiver bidirectional network.

The focus of this presentation is on scenarios where traditional DTLS cannot be used, and one needs a Pre-Shared Key solution. We describe three such scenarios where PSK must be used. Firstly, where no real-time clock is available on one side or the other. Secondly, in any one-transmitter-to-many-receiver scenario, including multicast. And finally, in any network lacking the physical ability for two-way communications, such as a one-way satellite link. We will also consider the role Forward Error Correction (FEC) plays in these scenarios.

Presenter: Sergio Ammirata, CTO, DVEO

2.00-2.30pm: Video Flow - Adaptivity (future RIST capability)

Adaptation is critical to maintaining service continuity and in particular, over the internet. Unlike high SLA services, the Internet cannot guaranty the bandwidth due to network or user behavior, including oversubscription, network congestion, and local service problems.

However, combining dynamic link bonding and adaptivity in real time can reach reliability levels similar to those of a satellite link or a fiber connection. This presentation explains both how dynamic bonding is making use of multiple Internet links and other mediums to achieve higher reliability levels and how adaptive delivery and dynamic MPTS adaptation in real time will make sure that premium services stay on-the-air.

Learn why the Internet cannot guarantee bitrate, how dynamic bonding adds stability and reliability to video delivery over the Internet, why adaptivity is imperative to ensuring the reliability of your premium services and how to enhance service reliability over the Internet.

Presenter: Adi Rozenberg, Co-Founder and CTO, VideoFlow

2.30-3.00pm: Net Insight - RIST for high-end live media workflows

With new support for higher bandwidth services introduced in the RIST main profile, RIST can now be used also for high-end (and as a consequence higher bandwidth) workflows such as low-latency contribution using JPEG 2000 compression (instead of HEVC/AVC), and remote production with stringent low-latency requirements that also use JPEG 2000.

Net Insight has been providing broadcasters and production companies with high-quality JPEG 2000 based live transport solutions for contribution and remote production for many years, and have seen an increasing interest in moving also these high-end workflows to simpler and more cost-efficient infrastructure. Infrastructure, such as leased enterprise-grade lines or even the public Internet, that comes with challenging characteristics and impairments from high levels of continuous packet drop. With the addition of high bandwidth support in RIST main profile, RIST can now be used to provide broadcast quality lossless transport over such lossy infrastructure.

This presentation explains how one of the new features in the RIST main profile, support for higher bandwidth services, enables even more use cases and live workflows to move to simpler and more cost-efficient infrastructure. The presentation furthermore explains the requirements from broadcasters and production companies for high quality transport in live production workflows, based on many years of real-world experience.

Presenter: Love Thyresson, Head of Internet Media Transport, Net Insight

3.00-3.30pm: Open Broadcast Systems - RIST for delivering content to tens of millions

In late-2018, Open Broadcast Systems added RIST support to its encoder and decoder products, replacing a similar protocol. Subsequently, a number of customers deployed the technology in various locations around the world and provided immediate feedback.

This presentation will talk about some of the workflows involved and the benefits of using RIST compared to other solutions (e.g bonding, monitoring with tcpdump).

It will also cover future workflows such as cloud ingest, rewrap and distribution of content that we intend to support.

Presenter: Kieran Kunhya, Founder, Open Broadcast Systems

3.30-4.00pm: AWS - How RIST and the cloud are transforming content distribution

Transport Stream over IP is now a top-of-mind consideration when it comes to live content distribution. Learn how RIST and AWS Elemental are transforming the landscape of terrestrial distribution by giving customers secure, reliable software distribution technologies, deployable in minutes, to solve content distribution challenges on a global scale.

UDP/IP is, by design, an unreliable way to move live video data from one location to another. In this session, we’ll look at why RIST is transformative when it comes to terrestrial content distribution strategies. We’ll also look at how RIST plus the reach of the AWS cloud can be powerful combination for moving for your live video content from one part of the world to the other.

Presenter: David Griggs, Senior Product Manager Media Services, AWS Elemental


Panel discussion (4pm-5pm)

Join our interactive panel to learn more about RIST technology and use cases, how it is being used today and the future outlook for RIST and much more. Bring your best questions and join the discussion with panelists from Amazon Web Services (AWS), Cobalt Digital, DVEO, Net Insight, VideoFlow and Zixi.

David Griggs

Senior Product Manager Media Services at Amazon Web Services (AWS)

David has over twenty-five years of experience in product development, software engineering and engineering/product management in the broadcast industry. David was born in England, he spent five years in Asia, fifteen in Sydney, Australia, and now lives in Portland, Oregon. Through his time working in different parts of the world, David brings diverse, international experience to an increasingly global industry.

Ciro Noronha

Director of Technology, Compression Systems at Cobalt Digital 

Dr. Ciro Noronha holds a BS and MS in Electrical Engineering from Instituto Tecnologico de Aeronautica, Brazil, and a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University. He has worked in the compressed video over IP space since 1995. Dr. Noronha has previously held engineering management positions at Optivision, SkyStream, Tandberg Television and Ericsson, having led the development of a number of compression and networking products, including encoders, decoders, transcoders, gateways and multiplexers.

In 1999 and 2001, he had appointments as Consulting Professor at the Electrical Engineering Department at Stanford University. Dr. Noronha was one of the founders of ImmediaTV Corporation, acquired by Cobalt Digital in 2016 and is currently Director of Technology at Cobalt Digital. Dr. Noronha is the author or co-author of a number of academic papers and has six issued patents.

Sergio Ammirata


Sergio was born in Italy, grew up in Venezuela and California, then received his Ph.D. in Physics from The Ohio State University. Sergio M. Ammirata, Ph.D., is the Chief Technical Officer of DVEO. He is sole author of the award winning, patented DOZER error correcting streaming transport protocol. Among other prizes, DOZER has received a 2018 Emmy® Award for Technology and Engineering from The National Academy of Television Arts and Science, and the Society of Broadcast Engineers Technology Award for 2014.

Sergio was personally honored in 2016 as one of the Studio Daily Top 50 Creatives and Innovators Across the Media Industry. He is very active in the open source community and an active contributor to Videolan's VLC.

Alexander Sandström

Head of Product Marketing and Strategic Product Manager at Net Insight

In addition to being co-chair for the RIST Forum, Alexander Sandstrom is heading up product marketing for media transport at Net Insight, providing broadcasters and media service providers with IP based video transport solutions enabling the shift to IP production infrastructure, software-based media workflows, cloud resources as well as Internet contribution and distribution.

Sandstrom has spent most of the past decade driving the shift to IP and Software Defined Networking in telecom and broadcast by designing, selling and marketing IP and SDN based solutions at one of the world’s largest telecom vendors.

Adi Rozenberg

Co-Founder, CTO at VideoFlow

Mr Adi Rozenberg brings more than 16 years of R&D development (HW and SW) in MPEG multiplexing, Dolby Encoding, Dense IRD, Video Over IP products and Video Gateways, Residential gateways and network processing IC. Adi has vast experience in managing multi-disciplinary development teams including HW, SW, System, QA and Algorithm.

Prior to founding VideoFlow, Mr. Rozenberg held the position of AVP networking at Metalink Broad Band Networks Ltd. Adi holds a BSc in Computer Engineering from the Israel Technion.

Uri Avni

Co-Founder, CTO at Zixi

Uri Avni is a scientist, inventor and pragmatic technologist. As Chief Technology Officer, Uri is responsible for pushing the boundaries of research and development of the Zixi technology as well as the delivery of Zixi products. Uri brings a wealth of experience in hardware systems and software development to Zixi, which he acquired at the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). As a Captain, Uri served as the lead developer of operative software for complex electronic warfare systems. There, he also researched and implemented electronic warfare algorithms, geographical software infrastructure, and wireless communications infrastructure.

In 2002, Uri served as Software Developer for Talent Solutions, a Raanana company. Uri was involved in advancing real-time IP protocol auditing systems and led a team to develop network-enabled surveillance systems as well as a high-performance audio archiving and streaming system. Uri received a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, cum laude, and a Master of Science degree in Biomedical Engineering, summa cum laude, from Tel Aviv University.

Moderator: Wes Simpson

President of Telecom Product Consulting

Wes Simpson is President of Telecom Product Consulting (, a consulting firm that focuses on advanced media transport technology. Wes has developed and delivered well-received training seminars covering IP video and media networking technology for a wide range of private clients and organizations such as the VSF, the IEEE BTS, and SMPTE. He is a contributing editor for TV Technology and frequently speaks at events including VidTrans, SMPTE, NAB, and IBC. He has written two books which have both been released as second editions:  “IPTV and Internet Video” and “Video Over IP.” 

Wes was a founder of the Video Services Forum, and is currently co-chair of the RIST Activity Group. He earned a BSEE from Clarkson University and an MBA from the University of Rochester.  


Cocktail hour (5.15pm-6.15pm)

The drinks are on us! Join us for an hour of free beer, wine and snacks while you get a chance to talk to the presenters and panelists you’ve listened to earlier in the day, as well as other RIST experts from RIST Forum member companies.

The cocktail hour starts at 5.15pm and is sponsored by Open Broadcast Systems and Zixi.